in play gaming action of DraftKings Casino Baccarat

DraftKings Casino Baccarat


Baccarat is one of the more underrated table games at online casinos, as it is less prominently featured than games like blackjack and roulette. But DraftKings Casino Baccarat provides an exciting online baccarat experience to new and experienced baccarat players. Here, we take a closer look at this title and what players can expect when they take to the online baccarat tables.

How DraftKings Casino Baccarat Works

In DraftKings Casino Baccarat, the player and the banker each receives hands of two to three cards, with each card having its own point value. The hand that ends up with the highest point total wins. But unlike most casino games, where a player has to beat the banker in order to win, players can bet on themselves, the banker, or a tie to take place during each hand.

On top of that, there is a variety of side bets that players can make when they take on each hand of this baccarat game. Players can wager on whether either hand will be a pair or a perfect pair, as well as whether the winning hand will end up consisting of three cards instead of two. These side bets can result in much bigger payouts than the simple player or banker bets, which pay out at even odds, while the side bets can pay as high as 11/1.

If there is one criticism about this game, it is the fact that players can’t do anything to impact their chances of winning once they have placed their bets. But that is a product of the game itself rather than anything that this particular version of baccarat has done wrong. DraftKings Casino baccarat has done a nice job of presenting this game, with DraftKings branding on the chips and card shoe, and they make it easy to get into this game, even if you are just trying it for the first time.

About DraftKings Casino

DraftKings Casino is one of the bigger online casino brands in the United States, as it is available in several states. They offer a strong selection of games, but it is the variety of game types that is really impressive at this site. Games like keno, craps, and their unique rocket game help create a great casino experience on a consistent basis.

DraftKings Casino Baccarat - Questions and answers

The max payout for this game varies based on how much a player wagers on each hand. But the maximum payout for an individual bet is $55,000. That comes from winning a player or banker pair bet when making the max bet of $5,000 on those options with a payout of 11/1.

DraftKings Casino is available in several US states, with players in New Jersey, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia all having access to this site. Players are required to be physically located in one of those four states to place bets at DraftKings Casino.

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